
Teresa came to see Dr. Erickson in December 2015 to address her overall volume loss. Dr. Erickson recommended multiple sessions of Sculptra to stimulate collagen growth to help restore volume loss in her face. Over a span of 6 months, Teresa was treated with 8 vials of Sculptra. Sculptra takes about a month to begin the collagen building process. It stimulates the body to produce its own collagen to see volume improvements. During the growth period some people like to do hyaluronic acid fillers to get that instant volume result while they are waiting for the Sculptra to grow. In her case we administered Restylane Lyft in the cheek area, and Restylane Silk in the lips during the beginning of her Sculptra series. Her results speak for themselves.


737 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 905
Chicago, IL 60611



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