Lose your double chin with CoolMini®!

Who is it good for?

Patients typically come in concerned with their submental fullness, or “double chin”.  Anyone who has unwanted fat underneath the chin is a candidate for treatment.

What should I expect?

During your treatment, an applicator is applied to the targeted area underneath the chin.  The applicator uses a vacuum to draw the tissue up.  You may feel pulling, tugging, and/or mild pinching.  Controlled cooling is then delivered to the fat so you will feel an intense cold and numbing.  The entire treatment takes 45 minutes.  Many patients watch television or work on their computer.

Any downtime?

Little to no downtime!  There may be some temporary redness immediately following the treatment but this usually subsides quickly.  There is also a risk, although not common, of bruising in the treated area as well.

When will I see results?

Your physician will help create an individualized treatment plan to reach your goals.  The most dramatic results will be seen 1-3 months after treatment, but some patients see results as early as 3 weeks!


737 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 905
Chicago, IL 60611



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