Enjoy Freedom From Embarrassing Underarm Sweat

The miraDry procedure is quick, non-invasive and provides a lasting solution for excessive underarm sweat. The miraDry treatment is a procedure that takes place in our office. The handpiece from the miraDry System, when placed on the underarm, delivers precisely controlled energy to the region where the sweat glands reside and eliminates sweat glands non-invasively. The sweat glands don’t grow back once eliminated, resulting in a dramatic and lasting reduction of underarm sweat.

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Underarm sweat? Sweat no more! miraDry® is the only FDA cleared, non-invasive treatment to permanently eliminate both sweat and odor. It uses miraWave™ energy to target the sweat glands underneath the skin and safely eliminate them. With minimal to no downtime, a strong safety record, and little to no discomfort, the treatment offers a safe way to get rid of underarm sweating for good. It truly is a miracle treatment.

Interested in learning about one of our client’s first-hand experience with the MiraDry procedure?

What is the procedure like?

The procedure involves no surgical incisions or cuts. The clinician customizes treatment for each underarm area with multiple placements of the miraDry handpiece. Local anesthesia is administered to the underarms prior to the procedure to maintain comfort. Erickson Dermatology is one of the only offices in the country to offer a unique and specialized form of anesthesia which makes the procedure even safer and more comfortable! Your miraDry appointment will generally last about an hour. Two procedures spaced three months apart are required to maximize the results and duration.

What happens after the procedure?

There is minimal to no downtime following the procedure. You should be able to return to normal activities or work right after the procedure, and you can typically resume exercise within several days. Some localized soreness or swelling is normal, and typically clears within a few weeks.

What results can I expect?

Most patients report a dramatic reduction of their sweat – in a recent clinical study1, the average sweat reduction was 82%. You should see a reduction in sweat immediately after treatment. As with any medical procedure, results will vary by person.

How long will the results last?

The results are lasting because the sweat glands do not come back or regenerate after they have been eliminated. The miraDry procedure uses a safe, non-invasive technology that is FDA cleared to eliminate sweat glands in the underarm.

Don’t I need my underarm sweat glands?

Your body contains over 4 million sweat glands, with only about 2% located in the underarms. Eliminating this 2% will not affect the body’s ability to cool itself.

How is the miraDry procedure different from other treatment options?

Other treatment options are designed to temporarily disable the sweat glands, or involve surgery which contains inherent risks. Only the miraDry procedure provides a lasting solution with a non-invasive treatment.

Is the miraDry procedure right for me?

If embarrassing underarm sweat outbreaks, stained clothing or frequent antiperspirant application interfere with your daily life, then you may be a good candidate for the miraDry procedure.


737 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 905
Chicago, IL 60611



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