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What is a Dermal Filler?

Juvederm before and after photo in Chicago, IL

What is it?

Dermal Fillers are soft, injectable gels that are used to fill in wrinkles or folds in the skin. Many Dermal Fillers are made of Hyaluronic Acid (HA). HA is a naturally occurring, hydrating substance found in your skin.

Who is it good for?

As you age, you start to lose HA, which causes the skin to lose structure and volume. Dermal Fillers that are made of HA allow us to replace some of this lost volume.

Some Dermal Fillers also include additional ingredients or molecules that may create a microscopic ‘scaffolding’, which allows your body to build it’s own collagen.

What should I expect?

Once you have discussed your needs with Dr. Erickson, your treatment can take place in less than fifteen minutes. Improvement is usually instantly noticeable, (depending on the product used in your procedure) though you may have some minor swelling from the treatment. While the results of most soft tissue fillers are long-lasting, they’re not permanent.

Are There Risks?

Though less common, there is a chance of minor bruising associated with any injectable. To lessen your chances of bruising, we recommend discontinuing use of products like Aspirin, Blood-Thinners, Fish-Oils, Alcohol, Aleve, and any aspirin-based products like Alka Seltzer for 2 weeks prior to your procedure. We do not treat patients who are pregnant or nursing.

Our office will provide you with more complete risk information at your consultation, and complete post-care instructions as well. These are widely performed procedures, and these FDA approved fillers have great safety profiles. However, as with all medical procedures there is some risk. For example, allergy or vascular occlusion have occurred, although generally very rare. Please call our office for a consultation appointment, we are always happy to consult you and answer any questions you may have.

See below for some of our favorite Dermal Fillers (soft tissue fillers). Depending on the condition of your skin and your desires, you may only need one treatment method or product to get your best result. For some, we may offer a combination of more than one technique or procedure for the best result.

Popular Dermal Filler Options for a Youthful Appearance


JUVÉDERM® XC is the smooth gel filler used to instantly smooth away wrinkles around your mouth and nose. From smile lines to vertical lip lines, you can smooth away unwanted wrinkles can be smoothed away and restore natural contours restored. With one office visit, you’ll get smooth and natural-looking results that last up to a year.

BELOTERO BALANCE® Dermal Filler has unique properties that allow it to adapt within the skin for soft and even correction. The versatility of the product makes it strong enough to handle deep treatment areas, yet soft enough to treat more delicate areas, too.

Juvéderm® VOLUMA® replenishes lost skin volume to regain a youthful curve to the cheeks and can be used to enhance the overall shape of your face. Juvéderm® VOLUMA® is a volumizer that adds fullness to areas that need a little more support or enhancement. Shortly after treatment, you should notice that your facial contours appear fuller, giving your face a softer, more youthful appearance.